Test laboratory for balancing technology

Unique expertise worldwide

The Test Laboratory for Balancing Technology is the technology leader for the metrological qualification of balancing and spintesting systems, as well as the corresponding working standards. Since 2009 the laboratory of Schenck RoTec GmbH has fully implemented the more demanding requirements for testing and calibration laboratories. We hold the accreditation in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 - for all relevant measured quantities in balancing technology and also for the traceability of the measurand unbalance itself, which is unique in the world.

It is therefore the most reliable body at which users and service providers can have their measurement and testing devices validated - confidentially, independently and with effective protection of information received from customers.

Service range

Balancing machines and spin-testing systems are measurement devices with special requirements

Only machines tested and verified in a metrologically traceable manner can achieve traceable measurement results that secure your product quality and competitive edge. Make sure that your balancing and spintest systems comply with required specifications. We can support you in this – with a series of individual performance packages.

Specific consulting

We will advise you even before an order is placed with regard to the requirements for metrological qualification of your measurement or testing equipment and determine the most suitable and economic procedure for you.

Optimized lead time

The inspection is coordinated with you and performed in a timely manner: We will check your working standards as quickly as possible, often within a few days in our test laboratory; with your machines tested directly on site.

Archived test documentation

We record your measurement and testing equipment in our database, provide them with a test seal, create and archive the results reports and, in this manner, can track the quality and test status for you at any time. This effectively supports the management of your measuring equipment.

Meaningful assessment

We check the conformity to the specifications on which your test objects and measuring systems are based and comment on the usability for the specific purpose for you.

Periodic review

Under consideration of your operational circumstances, we recommend intervals for the required periodic revalidations.

Competent procurement of replacements

Is your measuring and testing equipment no longer suitable for its intended purpose? Then we can offer you a replacement based on the current state of technology or work with you to consider other possible uses for the test object in terms of the sustainable reuse of existing resources.

Accredited quality certification

Traceable to international SI units

Besides optimised test processes and minimised measurement uncertainties. The documentable traceability of measurement results to international primary standards, that represent the SI units, forms the basis of our accreditation. This is achieved by the technological heart of our test laboratory: in-house developed, precision reference rotors. In connection with a high-precision reference machine (Master Machine), it serves as a reference standard for the measurand unbalance. With this, our test laboratory can perform qualified tests for measurement systems or working standards for balancing technology. And of course, it can issue laboratory test certificates that meet the highest, audit-proof standards.

A decisive factor is that your quality assurance is also proven to be effective in the balancing manufacturing step. Based on ISO 9001, there are numerous internationally recognized sets of rules available to introduce quality management and to optimise it in a company specific manner.

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Schenck Green Technology Center

The Schenck Green Technology Center combines our many years of experience find out more > with state-of-the-art technology - for faster product development and quality processes under TISAX® standards.

Test scope

Validating balancing and spinning technology regardless of the manufacturer

The periodic monitoring of measuring and test equipment resp. measuring systems guarantees that measurements render reliable results during the course of your manufacturing process. Unique in the world, the accreditation of our test laboratory includes all measurands relevant to balancing technology:

  • Geometry
  • Mass
  • Unbalance
  • Rotating speed
  • Vibration velocity
For your safety

If you maintain a management system for measurement and test equipment or are planning on establishing one, you can complete it with our services in order to meet the strictest quality requirements.

Our recommendation: Think carefully about using measurement service providers or laboratories that are not accredited or that only cover several measurands. If the effectiveness of your QM system is subsequently called into question, there is a risk of increased follow-up costs.

Fewer process errors

Have your working standards tested and rule out any potential errors in the balancing process. Setup, test or master rotors are the "final measures" for your balancing machines as well as the foundation for machine calibration and adjustment. With the traceable test of your working standards in relation to all measurement parameters relevant for unbalance measurement technology, including the measurand unbalance itself, you also protect yourself from small deviations that could impair the quality of your unbalance measurement.

Seamless test equipment management

Integrate the balancing and spinning technology into your professional management for measuring and test equipment, thereby rule out any respective objections during audits and convince your customers with a high quality standard.

Lower manufacturing and follow-up costs

Minimise any potential quality deviations that may occur by periodically monitoring your measuring and test equipment. Prevent complaints and potential high follow-up cost through well-documented test certificates.

Testing and maintenance of machines

Matched quality levels for every requirement

Balancing machines and spin testing systems are precise measuring devices and have accuracies that are comparable to a coordinate measuring machine.

The PFA procedures are accredited, validated and specifically tailored to individual machine types:

  • Inspection of universal balancing machines in accordance with ISO 21940-21 or SAE AS8617: 2020-08 (includes SAE ARP 4048 / 4050 / 5323 / 6217)
  • Inspection of balancing machines in individual or batch production
  • Inspection of high-speed balancing machines for tasks in accordance with ISO 21940-12*
  • Inspection of spin testing systems

*outside accredited test procedures

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Conformity verification by an accredited testing laboratory on the basis of standards and validated laboratory procedures. Compliance with QM standards by periodic monitoring with metrologically traceable test equipment.

  • Quality level A: Laboratory test certificate (Complete test report in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025))
  • Quality level B: Works test report (abbreviated report, comparable with works calibration certificate)


Check of the machine function and reliability, basic testing of the measuring system according to the machine-specific checklist by qualified service staff.

  • Standard Plus: Service Approval (with respect to DIN EN 10204 - Acceptance Test Certificate 3.1)
  • Standard: Service confirmation (with respect to DIN EN 1024 - works certificate 2.1)

Testing of working standards

For calibration and adjustment of balancing machines, setup rotors or master rotors and calibrated test weights are indispensable. These working standards must be treated like other measuring or testing equipment. This means: They have to be inspected periodically in order to ensure reliable measurements. Failure to do so could have an impact on product quality and potentially have serious economic consequences. Our test laboratory covers all relevant measurands - geometry, mass and, in particular, unbalance.

Test levels to match your QM system
The test level is defined on the basis of the rotor characteristics. The test laboratory for balancing technology offers three performance levels, which differ in terms of the metrological depth and the scope of the documentation.

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Our holistic approach

We offer our customers comprehensive support throughout the entire process. From consulting and planning to measurement and testing, we are by your side to ensure that your needs are met comprehensively and effectively.

Research & Development

We carry out work on rotors for new and further developments as well as quality assurance and analyze their behavior in real operation.

Solutions & Products

From spin stands to balancing machines for rotors in series production. Our Green Technology product portfolio covers the entire process chain.

Green Technology Center

Our new Green Technology Center bundles the spin- testing and validation services of our Test Laboratory and consulting division. Benefit from this unique ecosystem.

Schenck Academy

The Schenck Academy offers worldwide training courses with practical content - from the basics to expert knowledge.

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